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DEEP BLUE SCARS Environmental Threats to the South China Sea Workshop

Panel Disccustion

本中心於3月18日下午辦理DEEP BLUE SCARS: Environmental Threats to the South China Sea Workshop,由本中心蔡季廷執行長主持。

Meeting with the Delegation of Center for Strategic and International Studies

「戰略暨國際研究中心」(CSIS)訪問團於112年9月4日(週一)下午來訪中心,本次訪問團是由 戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)會長何慕理(Dr. John Hamre)率團來訪,由本中心徐斯勤主任主持

International Conference on Indo-Pacific Order and South China Sea Security at a Crossroads

於2024年9月23日由內政部指導,本中心與本校政治學系、本校海洋中心、本校韌性社會研究中心、及國立政治大學合辦「在十字路口的印太秩序與南海安全」國際研討會(International Conference on Indo-Pacific Order and South China Sea Security at a Crossroads)。

Navigating a Crossroads in the Semiconductor Alliance Coordinating Talent, Promoting Development and Avoiding a Race to the Bottom

Partership With Oxford

An international conference, entitled “Navigating a Crossroads in the Semiconductor Alliance Coordinating Talent, Promoting Development and Avoiding a Race to the Bottom,” sponsored jointly by Rothermere American Institute at University of Oxford, Center for China Studies at NTU, Oxford China Policy Lab, Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, and JH Whitney, was held during September 18-19, 2024, in the Hub, Kellogg College, University of Oxford, UK.

Technology for the Future of National Security: Conversation between the New President of RAND Corporation and Center for China Studies, National Taiwan University

A panel meeting, entitled “Technology for the Future of National Security,” with a delegation from the RAND Corporation in the U.S.A., led by RAND’s President and CEO Jason Matheny, was held on October 23, 2024, in the Social Sciences Building of NTU.

Defense and Security in the South China Sea Workshop

A panel meeting, entitled “Defense and Security in the Asia-Pacific” with a delegation from the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in the U.S.A., led by Deputy Research Director Oscar Almen of FOI’s Department of Security Policy, was held on October 15, 2024, in the Social Sciences Building of NTU.